Every work from the moment it is created is automatically protected by copyright. However, is that work protected everywhere in the world, and is the protection period permanent or not? To answer this question, please read “Should copyright be protected without limitation of space and time?” our article.
1. Copyright protection of space
Copyright protection is not the same around the world, but the scope of protection for authors and owners depends on the laws of each country and is only calculated within the territory of that country. Each country has its copyright protection system. Creative works only enjoy copyright protection if they meet the legal standards set forth by the copyright laws of a given country.
Copyright is not automatically valid in another country unless those countries join an international treaty on the protection of that right. This can be understood as meaning that a work protected in country A does not mean that it is protected in country B unless countries A and B have a general agreement on the issue of protection. support works in both countries. Then, the spatial scope in which ownership of that intellectual property is protected will be extended to all member states, for example, works born in a member state participating in the Convention. The Berne Convention on the protection of literary and artistic works is protected in other member states.
On the other hand, even though there is an agreement or general agreement, copyright protection in countries participating in the agreement is not completely similar, for example, there are differences in the terms of protection, regulations on Penalties for violations, etc.
2. Copyright protection over time
Regarding the term of copyright protection, there are two forms of protection: indefinite and limited, divided into personal rights and property rights under copyright.
In particular, the moral rights attached to the author are rights that are protected indefinitely, including Naming the work; Putting your real name or pseudonym on the work; being given your real name or pseudonym when the work is published or used; Protect the integrity of the work to prevent others from distorting it; Do not allow others to modify or mutilate the work in any form that harms the author’s honor and reputation.
Copyright is a property right that is only protected for a certain period and is not protected permanently, such as the right to make derivative works, perform works, etc. In addition, the right to publish works or allowing others to publish works, although they are moral rights, are associated with economic benefits, so they are also protected for a limited time. During that time, authors enjoy exclusive rights to their works.
For each different work, there will be different deadlines. Copyright is only valid during the protection period. After the term expires, the work belongs to the public and can be used freely, but the integrity of the work and the author’s name must be respected.
Above is the article “Should copyright be protected without limitation of space and time?“. We hope this article is useful to you.