The world is increasingly entering a period of digital transformation and scientific and technical revolution. The problem of copyright infringement is becoming increasingly common and appearing everywhere, especially on social networking platforms. – where hundreds of millions of domestic and foreign user accounts are connected. The problem of music Copyright is complicated to control. Therefore, we will inevitably avoid copyright violations when posting download content on digital platforms. To learn more about this issue, please follow “Music Copyright Infringement in Digital Environment” VCD’s article below.
1. What is music copyright infringement?
Copyright (or authorship) is a legal term used to describe authors’ rights over their literary and artistic works.
Copyright infringement, piracy, or piracy is the unauthorized use of works protected by copyright law unless authorized, violating certain exclusive rights granted to the owner. copyright, such as the right to copy, distribute, display, perform protected work, or make derivative works.
Music copyright infringement can be understood as a song or musical work being cut or used without the permission of the song owner. More specifically, acts such as stealing logos and work names; unauthorized modification, use for commercial advertising purposes, illegal sale, and most commonly copying and plagiarism.
2. Music copyright infringement in the digital environment
In fact, at present, the protection of digital content by rights holders almost stops at implementing technological measures to protect their works, and at the same time implementing warning and security measures. Administrative measures to request state agencies to assist in preventing large-scale violations. Applying civil lawsuits in competent courts is still difficult for rights holders.
On average, Vietnamese people spend more than an hour a day listening to music on their mobile devices. Understanding this, many technology companies and application developers have invested and developed websites and online music applications so users can enjoy music anywhere and anytime. In Vietnam, online music has gradually become popular. Along with the development of online platforms combined with smartphone applications, the potential of the online music market in Vietnam is huge. It is predicted that in the future there will be more online music applications participating in the Vietnamese music market; Especially the birth and rapid development of short video sharing platforms such as TikTok, Shorts (Google), Reels (Facebook)… making accessing musical works in the digital environment even more difficult. more convenient and easier.
Not stopping there, the rights holders who are violated are not only domestic organizations and individuals but also foreign organizations and individuals. In addition, currently, companies provide intermediary services that allow users to access and post content, but copyright control is very loose, causing widespread copyright infringement.
In case of copyright infringement, you may be subject to administrative sanctions as prescribed in Article 10 of Decree 131/2013/ND-CP:
“1. A fine from 3,000,000 VND to 5,000,000 VND shall be imposed for arbitrarily editing or mutilating works that harm the author’s honor and reputation.
2. A fine from 5,000,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND shall be imposed for distorting works that harm the author’s honor and reputation.
3. Remedial measures:
a) Forced public correction on the mass media of false information for the acts specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article;
b) Forced removal of copies of infringing works in electronic form, on the Internet and digital environment or forced destruction of infringing material evidence for acts specified in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article.”
In addition, Article 18 of Decree 131/2013/ND-CP also stipulates that acts of infringing on the right to copy works will be fined from 15,000,000 VND to 35,000,000 VND and subject to penalties. overcome the above consequences.

3. How to check music copyright infringement on Facebook and Youtube
How to check music copyright infringement on Facebook
Step 1: Install the SoundHound application on CH Play or the App Store.
Step 2: Turn on the music and start the SoundHound application.
Step 3: Access Facebook’s copyrighted music link.
Step 4: Search for the song in your video.
Step 5: If the song is displayed, it means the song is not copyrighted and you can use it.
How to check music copyright infringement on Youtube
Step 1: Access the address:
Step 2: Sign in with your Gmail.
Step 3: Select the music you want to check for copyright.
Step 4: Upload photos and mp3 clips.
Step 5: Click “Create Video”
Step 6: Wait for the video to be created.
Step 7: Log in to your YouTube account.
Step 8: Check if the music video you create is copyrighted.
Faced with the increasingly common situation of copyright infringement in the digital environment, VCD believes that protecting the rights and interests of authors needs to be given more importance and attention than normal civil issues to avoid negative impact on psychological factors, affecting the author’s creativity as well as the quality of his brainchild.