When an act of infringement of copyright or related rights occurs, in addition to administrative and criminal measures, relevant individuals and organizations can simultaneously apply civil measures to ensure their rights and protect their rights. In principle, filing a lawsuit for copyright or related rights…
Copyright transfer can be understood as the transfer of part or all of the property rights and personal rights that are allowed to be transferred by the author or owner of the work to individuals and organizations. other. In particular, two forms of rights transfer…
Intellectual property is one of the important resources of a business. Therefore, when carrying out intellectual property transfer transactions, businesses must be extremely careful to limit legal risks, avoid unnecessary damages and disputes, and ensure the rights and benefits legitimate interests of the business. Copyright…
In recent years, as the entertainment economy has developed rapidly, the market for buying and selling copyright and related rights of songs has become more vibrant and has raised many controversies, especially the issue of song exclusivity. Therefore, how are “song exclusivity ” and violation…
Graphics works, diagrams, maps, and blueprints are some of the types of works that are registered for copyright according to the spirit of the Intellectual Property Law. Copyright registration by the owner and author of drawings, diagrams, maps, and drawings is an effective measure to…
Concepts related to the author, co-author, or collective authors always confuse identifying and determining related legal rights. Among those concepts, co-authorship and collective authorship are considered quite difficult to distinguish. VCD’s following article “Distinguish co-authors from collective authors” will clarify the concepts of co-authorship and…
Photography is a popular art form today, we can see photography works every day, on social networks, at photo exhibitions, or even on the streets. These works can be created by professional photographers or passionate amateurs. Therefore, are photographic works protected by copyright or not?…
The Intellectual Property Law not only protects literary, artistic, and scientific works but also protects other objects such as performances, audio and video recordings, broadcast programs, and satellite signals and the computer carries the encrypted program. Literary, artistic, and scientific works are protected by copyright,…
Authors and owners of copyright and related rights can manage their copyright and related rights themselves or through an organization – a collective representative of copyright and related rights. This organization often includes experts knowledgeable in the field of copyright and related rights, helping to…
Published works are part of protected copyright. Protected issues surrounding this subject matter may include the use or payment for use of those works. Through the article below, we will clarify Cases of using published works that do not require permission but must pay royalties…